вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Standing alone in the cool night air, Kai waited for the light to change. It was the seventh night hersquo;d be going to the club to see that beautiful man. That beauty who caught his attention with a single smile.

His stage name, was Aoi. That was all he knew of the man. He had long black hair that flowed down his back so beautifully. His lipshellip;those dark purple lipstick covered lipshellip;Kai wanted him; wanted that man in his bed; wanted him period.

Tonight he was going to ask him out after his shift. He knew what time Aoi got off stage for the night and when he left to go through the alley. This time, Kai would be waiting for him.

������������������ He walked into the strip club and watched as Aoi walked out onstage. Instantly Aoirsquo;s eyes locked with his and the man smiled. Aoi smiled at him. At HIM. Not the other people around him. Did Aoi know what today was? Was it possible? No. There was no way Aoi could know.

As the night went on, and Kai grew more aroused, he wondered if Aoi really DID know what today was. He was certainly performing more then he usually did. Kai was even lucky enough to slip a fifty into his underwear.�But something told Kai, that things werenrsquo;t exactly right.

He left the club as Aoi left stage. Walking to the back alley, he waited for the man.

ldquo;You are following me, Arenrsquo;t you?rdquo;

Kai froze and turned around. Aoi stood behind him, still in his stripper clothes, ldquo;Excuse me?rdquo;

ldquo;Yoursquo;re Kai. Yoursquo;ve been coming everyday all week and only watching me. Are you in love, my dear one?rdquo;

ldquo;EH? Nordquo;

Aoi smirked and walked towards him, backing Kai into the alley and against the wall, ldquo;Really?rdquo; he asked gripping Kairsquo;s crotch.

Kairsquo;s eyes fluttered but he looked back at Aoi, ldquo;Okay maybe I am but so what? Many people are.rdquo;

ldquo;Ah but they arenrsquo;t loved back now are they?rdquo;

Kairsquo;s eyes were locked on those beautiful dark lips. Aoirsquo;s words rolled off them like silk. Kai pulled him closer, ldquo;Kiss me then if you lsquo;loversquo; me.rdquo;

ldquo;Mmm gladly.rdquo; He replied pressing his knee between Kairsquo;s legs and against his crotch. He brought his lips down against Kairsquo;s and kissed him hard.

Kai wilted in his arms as Aoi broke into his mouth and sucked on his tongue. His hand, slipped down and undid Kairsquo;s belt and pants before making its way inside his boxers and gripping the obvious erection Kai had.

The drummer moaned into his mouth, pushing into his hand and breaking for air, ldquo;Oh fuckhellip;rdquo;

ldquo;I bet yoursquo;ve been dying for me to touch you hmm?rdquo;

ldquo;More then anything in the world.rdquo;

ldquo;Mmm good. Irsquo;ve been wanting to.rdquo; He whispered as he squeezed his balls. Kai groaned, ldquo;Pleasehellip;donrsquo;t tease mehellip;rdquo;

ldquo;My name is Yuu.rdquo;

ldquo;hellip;Irsquo;m Yutaka.rdquo;


ldquo;You have to fill out information in order to come into our club. I looked you up.rdquo;

ldquo;Ohhellip;rdquo; he looked down, slightly disappointed.

ldquo;Kai look at me.rdquo;

He looked up sniffling.

ldquo;Do you want to be my boyfriend?rdquo;


Aoi smiled and kissed him again before breaking and whispering, ldquo;Happy birthday Yutaka-kun.rdquo;

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Hi Richard,

in knapp 5 Minuten ist es f�r dich und dein Team soweit und das Spiel beginnt. Sitze schon mit Lamps und ein paar anderen Jungs vor dem Fernsehger�t und warte auf den Beginn des Spiels. Wollte von hier aus nochmals schnell viel Gl�ck w�nschen und hoffe, du gehst mit drei Punkten wieder zur�ck nach Manchester. W�re sicherlich auch gut f�r die Stimmung deines Stalkers. Also haut den Ball ins Netz und wenn m�glich h�ufiger als als Newcastle. Trett vor allem mal diesem kleinen Schn�sel Robinho in den Hintern, da� er endlich mal zeigt, warum er jetzt bei euch ist und nicht nur zeigt, weshalb nicht mehr bei Real. Aber ihr habt Shaun...da kann ja fast nichts schiefgehen. Vermissen ihn hier als Menschen, aber bei euch ist er ja in guten H�nden.

JT (plus Petr, Joe, Ash, Carlo, Wayne, Riccy und Lamps)

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I�suddenly miss my ankh pendant alot.
Wonder if I�can get it custom made somewhere for NOT�A�BOMB.
I�swear I�will love whoever gets it for me to the MXM.

I�remember the pyramids and the moon, sailing down the Nile, the ancient temples that were once glorious and resplendent in the colours of old.
I�really wish I�could time travel just so I could go back to Ancient Egypt and see it for myself.
I would trade anything just to live in that era.
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I apparently got Lippy sizing WAY wrong (what else is new) and my normally small shirt size is NEVER GOING TO FIT into this amazing top Skull and Crossbones racer back corset top with zip front, lace overlay at back, and light plastic boning at seams. Itapos;s a little "well-loved" (read: faded) so if anyone has a M or L that they want to trade, or $20 (shipping included) that they want to part with, let me know This top would def be better for an XS (unless you have HUGE BOOBS).
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So, I was thinking about how my car is soon to be due for itapos;s 15K service (Iapos;m not looking forward to that bill) and that got me to thinking about taxes and by way of the location of the dealership, the issue of unincorporated areas.

So in unincorporated regions there is no city sales tax. This is obviously a good thing. Now, knowing what tax is for the thought came to my mind; people are paying less money to government. This should logically mean that these people receive fewer services.

But I got to thinking about the dealership and my friends who used to live in unincorporated parts of town and I realized that they largely received the same services I did; parks, snow plowing, water service. So I started wondering; what does living in a city, and the tax money I pay to it do for me.

Right now I donapos;t know the answer to that one. Cities are incorporated basically immediately when an area gets settled so it seems to me that thereapos;s got to be something that the people like about it; but for the moment this escapes me.

Anyone know the answer to this?
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Things are starting to fall into place. Dena is moving out by the first, and Destiny is coming back from California. She found out the other day that her ex had completely lied to her and the paperwork she signed giving up her rights to her two youngest was completely bogus We found this out when a server from the sheriffapos;s office showed up looking for her because there was an emergency custody hearing for the two. She ended up missing the hearing because sheapos;s out of state but she found out that their grandmother, who had custody of them, had died and her ex had been arrested again for DUI. They had reviewed all the court records for the children and the paperwork had been completely falsified She now has to complete a parenting class and show up for court in Dec. And we should have the kids home in time for Christmas We are both so excited

Still looking for a job, but I may have finally gotten a good lead.
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